Fashion, Interior & Travel blogger

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Trend Report - Denim Jackets & Double Denim

Double Denim? The Denim Jacket?

You may be thinking, really Nic? a denim jacket is a classic piece of clothing which never really goes out of fashion. TRUE, however, I slightly beg to differ, as simple as it may sound, a big trend will be detail. Oversized, Over detailed and Overly Deconstructed denim jackets are in my opinion going to be a huge trend for SS18. 
With celebs like Kendall Jenner and Kim K sporting the item of clothing, and with many retailers jumping on the band wagon, I believe the denim jacket will be a big hit this season & you heard it here first... (probably not but lets pretend you did for my sake).

Last Summer I searched high and low for a light blue wash denim jacket, looking for an oversized in a boxy fit way, and stiff enough that it would not sag (oh I hate a sag). After having no luck, it seems like this year they are everywhere, you literally can't miss them. 

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