Fashion, Interior & Travel blogger

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Mood Board 3 - INTERIOR

Two posts in 24 hours, wow... Is it just me or do you over think and over plan everything in your head when its night time? Because I always do. Whether it is what you are going to wear tomorrow, or about how you have to pack for holiday thats only a few weeks away, or even thinking about the hair oil you need to buy because you've run out! Its like night time was made for over-thinking. As i felt like my other post categories weren't seeing the love, compared to my fashion one, I thought I'd do a new mood board, for Interior, desk interior / office to be more precise, the reason for my over-thinking. 

Uni is only a few months away, and as I've decided to stay at home and commute into London this year (for money reason, not that I didn't want to stay in halls). I am in need of desk or space to do work on, for my laptop and books and somewhere where I can feel inspired and relaxed enough to work, as at the moment my room is lacking this a lot. Pintrest is the saviour as per usual, as it is where I get most of my inspiration from. Black, white, rose gold and marble are my inspiration colours, along with faux fur, prints and green plants (mostly palm trees, but you can put one of those in your bedroom). I am really excited to decorate my room more, and to create this space to work and be creative here on my blog, I already have a few ideas which you will be seeing very soon, but this is just a tease of whats to come and whats inspired me.

Pintrest - nicolakaik

I hope you enjoyed this short post, don't forget to check out my previous post from a few hours ago lol and see you again soon, Love Nic x

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